Monday, September 24, 2012

Life so far..

Its been roughly three weeks since I have called Germany "home". Well, for the time being.

I recently stumbled upon a photo that said "Military wife: The hardest job in the military." I believe that whole heartily. The days are long, the nights are longer, the time you have is short and sweet. Giving up the only life you've ever known and moving across the world to be with the love of your life. I won't lie. It is hard. I miss my family and the best friends I have ever known. But then I look at where I am. I am seeing places I never would've gotten to see, meeting wonderful new friends that I never would've met, learning about new cultures, and my favorite, being with my husband and my son. My son, by the way, is having  a hard time settling in. He is not happy about the idea of not being able to see my parents anytime he wants or when mommy gets onto him for not eating all his vegetables. Maybe soon he will adjust.

So, life so far has had it's ups and downs but no matter where you are, that's life. I consider myself lucky for the most part. My husband is fighting for a cause and I am standing beside him all the way.

On another note, I am going to be an AUNT! I am so EXCITED! I can't wait to start buying baby clothes again!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Guten Tag from Deutchland!

Halo from across the pond!

Kade and I safely arrived in Germany on September 5. The 3 flights we took were long and I had zero sleep but it's definitely  worth it. I am SO elated to be with my husband again! I absolutely LOVE this country! I am also trying to learn the language as I go. None of our stuff from home has arrived yet so it's hard to do a lot of things and my mind is apparently still stuck at home. For example, I bought microwave rice... our microwave isn't here. Things of that nature. We did buy a couch so we aren't sitting on the floor. That's a plus.

Kade is having a hard time adjusting. He is still jet lagged and doesn't go to sleep until about 1 or 2 our time which would be about 8 or 9 our time back home. He also has NO toys here other than the few we bought because, like I said earlier, nothing of ours is here. It's a work in progress, but we're making it.

We went out into town this past weekend. I have uploaded a few pictures below. JB took us to this really nice restaurant downtown. The food was AMAZING! Speaking of food, it is SO much better here! Even Taco Bell tastes better!

There is just SO much to tell and so little time, so I will end with a "more later!"
