Friday, January 14, 2011

Flying South

This week has been pure hell. Getting up in the mornings were a struggle. Thank you guys who left me comments on all of this stuff im going through. It's means alot and shows alot about your character to care about someone you don't  know. Thanks again. I say that to say this.. I realized that maybe all of this is happening because it wasn't supposed to happen yet. Right at my breaking point I had a really good friend come to my rescue. I shall call this friend.... Q. Well, Q, being in the same spot I am in, offered me a fresh start, in a new state, hours away from where I am now. FLORIDA! Pensacola, FL to be exact. Well, Q made me realize that new beginnings are always best. Not to stay in a place of bad memories, but close this book and start writing a new one. So, that's what I am going to do. Put the past behind me and start a new book. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have a positive attitude! Keep your head up and good luck on the new start :)
