It's been almost over two years since my last post. In my defense, I have mentioned many times that I am not very good at keeping up with blogs. There hasn't been much happen in this 'existential meltdown' life of mine. We moved to Georgia not long after my last post. If I can say one thing, military life is never short of busy. Since we have moved here, I lost my motivation to workout and all love of the gym. I don't know what it was about this place specifically that "ruined me" but I know it was this place. I got a job at a gym when I first arrived. Saying that I loved my job was an absolutely understatement. I have never had a job that I loved as much as this one. I was there for six months. Six months is what it took to be taken advantage of and be unappreciated. Let me back up a bit. When I was hired on, I was basically hired to 'maintain' the gym, which included cleaning, putting up weights, checking credentials, etc. I liked to stay busy so I was constantly cleaning something. From wiping every square inch on every piece of equipment in that gym to scrubbing showers full of pubes and man-pee, I did it. Being a personal trainer, I also helped patrons when they needed it. It wasn't until a certain someone was hired on that I began to lose my love for my job and respect for my boss. You see, this person was supposed to have been hired on earlier but "there were some shady sexual assault things on his background that he needed to get worked out before he could start". The sad part was it didn't stop after he was hired. Having patrons come up to me complaining and then me taking it to my boss did nothing but cause a rift between me and everyone else that worked there. I know they say "if you continuously have a problem, the problem is you" but that wasn't the case here. I had individuals who witnessed these situations as baffled as I when nothing was done. Picking favorites much? I wouldn't last much longer at the job I loved much longer and apparently neither did he. He quit less than a month after me. Had I known, I would've stayed, but it wasn't like they were fighting hard to "keep one of the best employees they've ever had".
Moving forward, I finally graduated college! It only took three years going year round to do so, but I am not done yet. Let me tell you, that was a shit-show. I have never heard of anyone needing three years to get an AS in pre-nursing but when you have schools that are only wanting money, that happens. I think I finished with 92 credits. I have now applied to two one nursing school in Georgia (because the other can't seem to get their shit straight) and I hope I hear something back soon.
We are set to move again this April. My gorgeous, amazing husband has advanced in his career and I couldn't be prouder of him. Ya'll, let me tell you, I have been with this man for 9 (NINE) years and almost married for 8 and it feels like we just got married this weekend. I fall more in love with him everyday. Sure, we can drive each other bonkers sometimes but that is few and far between. I honestly do not know what I would do without him. He saved me and if you have been following along with me this entire time (I don't know why you would HAHA) you know he saved me.
My gorgeous man and I going home for Thanksgiving.
We went down to visit family for Thanksgiving this year. It was so nice being able to see family that we hadn't seen in months. I don't think I had seen my mom since August, briefly, and then before that....... goodness, I think it was last year.
Well, that is all I have for now. See ya'll in two years.
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