Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Where have I been?

In my last blog post (a year ago), I stated that I had a youtube channel. Come to think of it, I haven't even posted on that in God knows how long. I am terrible at starting things and not finishing them. I would say that is my biggest flaw ever. For those of you who do not know me, let me introduce myself:

Hi, my name is Tiffany and I am a procrastinator. My husband, son and I live in Germany and have been here for a few years. Living here has given us the chance to travel. We have seen places most people just dream about. We have been to Paris, Italy, Prague, Amsterdam, and places here around Germany. We just recently found out we were going to have another baby (well, 20 weeks ago) and couldn't be happier.

I started this blog years ago. I can't recall how many to be exact. The initial reason was to vent, laugh, cry, and talk about whatever I wanted to talk about. Then, I thought I wanted to be a "fashion blogger". Yea, that didn't last long. I am a very simple, down to earth, sweat pants kinda gal. What would I do with fashion writing when I didn't go shopping enough to even have things to talk about? Then, I decided I wanted to be a "fitness blogger". Now, this, I will commend myself on. I stayed with the fitness for a very long time. I spent most of my days at the gym followed by meal preps and helping others with their fitness journey. I didn't blog about this on here, but did blog about it on my tumblr page when I found the time.  When I first found out I was pregnant, the morning sickness and exhaustion took over my drive for the gym and I fell out of that for a while. I then started volunteering at my son's school which is now where I spend my days. I still workout at the gym when I find the time, otherwise, it's home workouts for me and not very long ones at that. Atleast I do something, right?

Here's to a fourth chance at this thing. Maybe it'll work this time!


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