Thursday, October 11, 2012

Being prejudice is so 50+ years ago...

My dear readers,

 As many of you know, my husband, son and I moved to Germany about a month ago, not by choice, but by command. Being in the military, one really doesn't have a voice in where they want to live during their service. A few lucky ones with connections get to live their 3-4 years in the location of their choice as warm or as cold as they may like. What I do not understand, is why some of our service men and women would be forced to live in a country that hates them because of their heritage, background, ancestors, whatever you want to call it. The day my husband told me we were coming to Germany, I was ecstatic. It was a place I had never been but wanted to see. Everyday that I have been here, I have been beyond excited to be in a different country, until yesterday. Yesterday, I realized how prejudice and racist Germans are. Now, I am sure you're thinking "not ALL Germans are that way." Well, my friend, I haven't met one yet that doesn't hate Americans. If there are any out there, PLEASE contact me. I would be more than willing to change my mind and admit I am wrong, IF in fact I am. Now for a few stories. My husband and I have been searching around for a puppy to adopt. We have searched online, in the classifieds, and by word of mouth. No luck. So, we decided to check out animal shelters. Boy, was that a mistake. I checked online at some local animal shelters and in black and white read "We do not adopt animals to Americans." I had to do a double check. I couldn't determine what was worse. The fact that these "people" do not adopt to Americans, or the fact that these "people" would rather these poor helpless animals sit in small tiny cages crammed into a tiny hut than adopt them out to an AMERICAN! I am HEATED! I will tell you this more than anything makes me PROUD to be an AMERICAN! I never in my life thought that I, being a child of the late 80's would ever be a victim of prejudices based on where I was born. Now if that wasn't bad enough, the very same day, my husband came home and broke the news. The same news I had already heard. "well, hunny, I tried looking into some animal shelters today. A friend of mine told me I was wasting my time because they refuse to adopt to Americans." I was hoping that what I was reading about earlier was just a fluke, but no. It is in fact true. Animal shelters. For the next story, I was emailing this man about two puppies he had. He responded rather quickly asking me all sorts of questions. I am sure I answered all correctly "large room to roam, not a breeder yada yada.." It wasn't until a couple emails later and him finding out I am here with the service that he almost immediately responded with a "my puppies have been adopted." Just like that. You cannot contemplate in your mind that it reads any other way that the fact of him not wanting to adopt his puppies out to an American. I will save the story about the rude lady at McDonalds for later. I mean let's be honest here, how can you be rude when you work at McDonalds?

The only question I have is: WHY? Why are Germans prejudice towards Americans? Call it whatever you want, it's prejudice... or racist. Either way, I want an explanation of why I can't adopt a dog or order a Big Mac without a snotty attitude or turning me away because of where I was born. I do know one thing, I will be sure to raise my child to never be prejudice or small minded such as the people here.


  1. Aside from the fact that we invaded their country in the 1940s (albeit justified) they probably don't adopt to Americans as, on the whole, we're mostly extremely irresponsible. They've probably had a lot of issues in the past with Americans leaving the country at the end of their tour and simply leaving the pets behind to roam the streets, or trying to sell them back. As a busineess owner, knowing that orders get changed very frequently, and the military tends to snatch people from place to place, I probably wouldn't want to deal with that crap either. Keep in mind, you're in their country, meaning, "you're not in Kansas anymore Toto". Welcome to the world outside of tiny south Alabama...

  2. oh yeah, this is Joseph by the way. :)

  3. Just now seeing this lol. I figured it had to be you! Hope (_insert country here_) is treating you well.
