Next week we find out our duty station. I am so nervous but so excited at the same time. There are so many places to see and being a military wife is definitely a way to see such places. JB had a "wish list" he was allowed to fill out at the beginning of his training. Although, it might as well be called a "your never getting these places list" because very rarely do any of the soldiers get a place of their choice. I suppose the higher up your rank, the easier it is to get one of these places but that would mean really, really high up. Anywho, JB got a choice of 4. Two overseas, and two stateside. He chose Georgia (it's the closest to home and still 3 hours away), Texas, Alaska (since its considered overseas (odd?)) and Italy (obviously). I have been praying hard for Georgia. Yet a part (small part) of me hopes for Seattle. I love Seattle. I am terrified of Korea (can't go there from what I was told) but with my luck, that's going to be it. I hope not. I pray not. But, I have no control what-so-ever over the station choice, so I might as well suck it up, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Everyone, please pray for Georgia. Hell, please pray for a United States station.
On another note, I have started running again. I love running. Have been doing it since I was a sophomore in high school (7 years roughly). I stopped running around December. I hate running in the cold. It hurts my chest and causes nose bleeds (ick). Since the weather has been a gorgeous 65-70 here the past 2 weeks, I broke out my running shoes again! It really surprises me every year how I can go without running for 3 months and start back feeling like I haven't missed anything. I thank God for that because it would suck having to basically start over. It also helps with my stress relief from all of this Army stuff. Still getting used to the one thing in my life I have no control over.
Along with running again, I have also joined a church. I haven't been to church since I was 7 but I have always been a Christian. I accepted Christ as my Savior years ago and felt for a long time I didn't need to be in church to be saved. It has finally gotten to that point that I feel God is leading me to church for a reason and I need to listen.
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