I have been very sloppy with my blog this year. A new resolution is to start blogging more. I have no excuse not to. I do a lot throughout my day and could do better keeping you faithful followers up to date. Whether it's gym time, baking, Germany events, or trying to maintain a healthy diet, I will do better to keep you updated. My goal is to have a blog good enough to be re-pinned onto Pinterest (we're starting small). Let's go!
As far as my 2012 ending, a lot has happened. I got married, flew across country (twice), quit my job, moved across the WORLD (once) and spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in a new country. I have tried to learn the language and I have discovered a lot of new German customs. I have seen real castles and beautiful architecture I have felt isolated and completely alone all while being surrounded by people who love me. I have made friends here from all over the world and lost them back home from a town I spent 24 years in. I have learned that true friends are hard to come by and once you have them, they will never be anything less. I have realized who truly loves me and who doesn't. I have learned to be a good wife, good mother, and most importantly, a good Christian. I am a child of God.
I have learned that I am stronger than I think I am. What have you learned this year?
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
I have recently joined the Influenster world. It's pretty hard to explain and I wouldn't want to get things mixed up or give false information, so if you're interested in it or just plain curious, please click here to be directed to the site. If you are already an Influenster-er (?) then great! You know all about it and maybe we can be friends and help each other out to get more points! YAY! Let's be frannnns! Best Frans!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I have decided to split my posts up into two parts. Part one was an OOTD post I submitted a moment ago and this would make part two. When living back home, I was skeptical of buying any Lush products offline. I wasn't sure of the product size or smell or anything important. We were coming back from dinner when I saw it, the little yellow LUSH sign above the door. I was excited. About as excited as you can be about handmade soaps. Anywho, I bought the comforter bubble bar. It's a lot bigger than I thought which made me very happy. I love the fact that the bubbles are huge and the water is pink. Any skeptics out there, skeptic no longer, Lush is amazing! Here is a picture for you to enjoy =)
The mini-lush's on the left are samples they gave me in the store. The pink is a soap called Angel's Delight. It smells wonderful! The yellow is a dry skin cream. It's called lemon.. something. I forget. I apologize. Anywho, the big pink one is the comforter I previously mentioned.
Thanks for reading my unorganized and sloppy blog. Love you all!
Cold Day here in Deutchland (snowing again) and I haven't been doing the best job of keeping up with my blog recently.. or my schooling for that matter (shame shame). Anywho, I figured I would do a quick Outfit of the Day for anyone who still keeps up with me (thank you!).
Note to self: I should do a better job of taking self-mirror pictures. Well, this is the jist of it.
Scarf and leggings: H & M
Shirt and boots: Charlotte Russe
Keeping it short and sweet! Have a great day!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Christmas in Germany
Its finally Christmas time here in Deutchland and It certainly feels like it. It has snowed a few times already. Being from south Alabama, snow is the last thing you can expect to see. Living there for 24 years I have only seen it twice; once in 1995 and 2010. Even then it was only a few inches. I am loving the snow here so far. I haven't been in it long enough for the "love" to wear off although I am sure it will sooner or later. The Christmas markets here are amazing. I am so excited to explore as many as I can this month. Although I am thrilled it's Christmas, it also makes me homesick. It's true what they say, you know. Home is where the heart is. Or, there is no place like home. Both are true. I miss my mama most. Since moving here, I have certainly learned alot. One, never take family for granted and spend as much time as you can with them. I can't just drive down the road to see them. I miss my son being able to see his grandparents and spend time with them. Two, learn to appreciate the country you come from. I wanted so bad to get out of the states only to want so badly to return. Three, people are different everywhere. They have different beliefs, views, and customs than you. Learn to appreciate that not everyone thinks the way you do. Four, make as many friends as possible. Aside from your spouse and kid(s), they are all you have. Five, aside from not taking family for granted, do not take small things for granted. I miss wal-mart, waffle house, and cable to name just a few. Welcome to Army Life.
Oh, and on another note: I have finally met some nice Germans.Faith in humanity restored! =)

Oh, and on another note: I have finally met some nice Germans.Faith in humanity restored! =)
made from scraps around the house |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Being prejudice is so 50+ years ago...
My dear readers,
As many of you know, my husband, son and I moved to Germany about a month ago, not by choice, but by command. Being in the military, one really doesn't have a voice in where they want to live during their service. A few lucky ones with connections get to live their 3-4 years in the location of their choice as warm or as cold as they may like. What I do not understand, is why some of our service men and women would be forced to live in a country that hates them because of their heritage, background, ancestors, whatever you want to call it. The day my husband told me we were coming to Germany, I was ecstatic. It was a place I had never been but wanted to see. Everyday that I have been here, I have been beyond excited to be in a different country, until yesterday. Yesterday, I realized how prejudice and racist Germans are. Now, I am sure you're thinking "not ALL Germans are that way." Well, my friend, I haven't met one yet that doesn't hate Americans. If there are any out there, PLEASE contact me. I would be more than willing to change my mind and admit I am wrong, IF in fact I am. Now for a few stories. My husband and I have been searching around for a puppy to adopt. We have searched online, in the classifieds, and by word of mouth. No luck. So, we decided to check out animal shelters. Boy, was that a mistake. I checked online at some local animal shelters and in black and white read "We do not adopt animals to Americans." I had to do a double check. I couldn't determine what was worse. The fact that these "people" do not adopt to Americans, or the fact that these "people" would rather these poor helpless animals sit in small tiny cages crammed into a tiny hut than adopt them out to an AMERICAN! I am HEATED! I will tell you this more than anything makes me PROUD to be an AMERICAN! I never in my life thought that I, being a child of the late 80's would ever be a victim of prejudices based on where I was born. Now if that wasn't bad enough, the very same day, my husband came home and broke the news. The same news I had already heard. "well, hunny, I tried looking into some animal shelters today. A friend of mine told me I was wasting my time because they refuse to adopt to Americans." I was hoping that what I was reading about earlier was just a fluke, but no. It is in fact true. Animal shelters. For the next story, I was emailing this man about two puppies he had. He responded rather quickly asking me all sorts of questions. I am sure I answered all correctly "large room to roam, not a breeder yada yada.." It wasn't until a couple emails later and him finding out I am here with the service that he almost immediately responded with a "my puppies have been adopted." Just like that. You cannot contemplate in your mind that it reads any other way that the fact of him not wanting to adopt his puppies out to an American. I will save the story about the rude lady at McDonalds for later. I mean let's be honest here, how can you be rude when you work at McDonalds?
The only question I have is: WHY? Why are Germans prejudice towards Americans? Call it whatever you want, it's prejudice... or racist. Either way, I want an explanation of why I can't adopt a dog or order a Big Mac without a snotty attitude or turning me away because of where I was born. I do know one thing, I will be sure to raise my child to never be prejudice or small minded such as the people here.
As many of you know, my husband, son and I moved to Germany about a month ago, not by choice, but by command. Being in the military, one really doesn't have a voice in where they want to live during their service. A few lucky ones with connections get to live their 3-4 years in the location of their choice as warm or as cold as they may like. What I do not understand, is why some of our service men and women would be forced to live in a country that hates them because of their heritage, background, ancestors, whatever you want to call it. The day my husband told me we were coming to Germany, I was ecstatic. It was a place I had never been but wanted to see. Everyday that I have been here, I have been beyond excited to be in a different country, until yesterday. Yesterday, I realized how prejudice and racist Germans are. Now, I am sure you're thinking "not ALL Germans are that way." Well, my friend, I haven't met one yet that doesn't hate Americans. If there are any out there, PLEASE contact me. I would be more than willing to change my mind and admit I am wrong, IF in fact I am. Now for a few stories. My husband and I have been searching around for a puppy to adopt. We have searched online, in the classifieds, and by word of mouth. No luck. So, we decided to check out animal shelters. Boy, was that a mistake. I checked online at some local animal shelters and in black and white read "We do not adopt animals to Americans." I had to do a double check. I couldn't determine what was worse. The fact that these "people" do not adopt to Americans, or the fact that these "people" would rather these poor helpless animals sit in small tiny cages crammed into a tiny hut than adopt them out to an AMERICAN! I am HEATED! I will tell you this more than anything makes me PROUD to be an AMERICAN! I never in my life thought that I, being a child of the late 80's would ever be a victim of prejudices based on where I was born. Now if that wasn't bad enough, the very same day, my husband came home and broke the news. The same news I had already heard. "well, hunny, I tried looking into some animal shelters today. A friend of mine told me I was wasting my time because they refuse to adopt to Americans." I was hoping that what I was reading about earlier was just a fluke, but no. It is in fact true. Animal shelters. For the next story, I was emailing this man about two puppies he had. He responded rather quickly asking me all sorts of questions. I am sure I answered all correctly "large room to roam, not a breeder yada yada.." It wasn't until a couple emails later and him finding out I am here with the service that he almost immediately responded with a "my puppies have been adopted." Just like that. You cannot contemplate in your mind that it reads any other way that the fact of him not wanting to adopt his puppies out to an American. I will save the story about the rude lady at McDonalds for later. I mean let's be honest here, how can you be rude when you work at McDonalds?
The only question I have is: WHY? Why are Germans prejudice towards Americans? Call it whatever you want, it's prejudice... or racist. Either way, I want an explanation of why I can't adopt a dog or order a Big Mac without a snotty attitude or turning me away because of where I was born. I do know one thing, I will be sure to raise my child to never be prejudice or small minded such as the people here.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Life so far..
Its been roughly three weeks since I have called Germany "home". Well, for the time being.
I recently stumbled upon a photo that said "Military wife: The hardest job in the military." I believe that whole heartily. The days are long, the nights are longer, the time you have is short and sweet. Giving up the only life you've ever known and moving across the world to be with the love of your life. I won't lie. It is hard. I miss my family and the best friends I have ever known. But then I look at where I am. I am seeing places I never would've gotten to see, meeting wonderful new friends that I never would've met, learning about new cultures, and my favorite, being with my husband and my son. My son, by the way, is having a hard time settling in. He is not happy about the idea of not being able to see my parents anytime he wants or when mommy gets onto him for not eating all his vegetables. Maybe soon he will adjust.
So, life so far has had it's ups and downs but no matter where you are, that's life. I consider myself lucky for the most part. My husband is fighting for a cause and I am standing beside him all the way.
On another note, I am going to be an AUNT! I am so EXCITED! I can't wait to start buying baby clothes again!
I recently stumbled upon a photo that said "Military wife: The hardest job in the military." I believe that whole heartily. The days are long, the nights are longer, the time you have is short and sweet. Giving up the only life you've ever known and moving across the world to be with the love of your life. I won't lie. It is hard. I miss my family and the best friends I have ever known. But then I look at where I am. I am seeing places I never would've gotten to see, meeting wonderful new friends that I never would've met, learning about new cultures, and my favorite, being with my husband and my son. My son, by the way, is having a hard time settling in. He is not happy about the idea of not being able to see my parents anytime he wants or when mommy gets onto him for not eating all his vegetables. Maybe soon he will adjust.
So, life so far has had it's ups and downs but no matter where you are, that's life. I consider myself lucky for the most part. My husband is fighting for a cause and I am standing beside him all the way.
On another note, I am going to be an AUNT! I am so EXCITED! I can't wait to start buying baby clothes again!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Guten Tag from Deutchland!
Halo from across the pond!
Kade and I safely arrived in Germany on September 5. The 3 flights we took were long and I had zero sleep but it's definitely worth it. I am SO elated to be with my husband again! I absolutely LOVE this country! I am also trying to learn the language as I go. None of our stuff from home has arrived yet so it's hard to do a lot of things and my mind is apparently still stuck at home. For example, I bought microwave rice... our microwave isn't here. Things of that nature. We did buy a couch so we aren't sitting on the floor. That's a plus.
Kade is having a hard time adjusting. He is still jet lagged and doesn't go to sleep until about 1 or 2 our time which would be about 8 or 9 our time back home. He also has NO toys here other than the few we bought because, like I said earlier, nothing of ours is here. It's a work in progress, but we're making it.
We went out into town this past weekend. I have uploaded a few pictures below. JB took us to this really nice restaurant downtown. The food was AMAZING! Speaking of food, it is SO much better here! Even Taco Bell tastes better!
There is just SO much to tell and so little time, so I will end with a "more later!"
Kade and I safely arrived in Germany on September 5. The 3 flights we took were long and I had zero sleep but it's definitely worth it. I am SO elated to be with my husband again! I absolutely LOVE this country! I am also trying to learn the language as I go. None of our stuff from home has arrived yet so it's hard to do a lot of things and my mind is apparently still stuck at home. For example, I bought microwave rice... our microwave isn't here. Things of that nature. We did buy a couch so we aren't sitting on the floor. That's a plus.
Kade is having a hard time adjusting. He is still jet lagged and doesn't go to sleep until about 1 or 2 our time which would be about 8 or 9 our time back home. He also has NO toys here other than the few we bought because, like I said earlier, nothing of ours is here. It's a work in progress, but we're making it.
We went out into town this past weekend. I have uploaded a few pictures below. JB took us to this really nice restaurant downtown. The food was AMAZING! Speaking of food, it is SO much better here! Even Taco Bell tastes better!
There is just SO much to tell and so little time, so I will end with a "more later!"
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Still Stateside
I realize, my dear friends, that it has been almost 3 months since I have last updated you. The reason for this being that I have been non-stop busy for these 3 months. I have moved from my quaint little apartment in the city to my parents dainty little house 45 minutes from any civilization. The movers came and packed everything and shipped it off to Germany at the first of July resulting in me having to move home, or stay in an empty apartment alone. I realize how much I miss living in my apartment and out of my parents house. I haven't updated since early June so I have a lot to write and little space to do so. I wouldn't want to bore you of course! Anywho, JB came home June 16th and had to leave the 18th. Yes, he was home for 2 days. Talk about an angry wife. He wasn't even supposed to go to Germany without his family. Just goes to show how much the Army civilians working for the Army really care about the family of their soldiers. The entire 3 months have been filled with nothing but disappointment, anger, tears, and attitudes between the civilians working for the Army and I. Maybe it's just that one base, you say? No, this is within THREE Army bases. Anywho, when JB came home, his wonderful family through us a reception seeing as how no one was able to attend our wedding in Tucson. It was beautiful! The weekend went buy entirely too fast before he was back on a plane heading to Germany. The months since then have been slow, dragging, depressing, and just plane sad. I am such a lucky woman to have an incredible family to catch me when I fall, and trust me, I have fallen plenty! Every time I slink into a small depressed state each time I hear bad news from the lack of compassion the Army has representing them, the fam is there, with tissues and ice-cream!
I have also started school. It's online schooling so that I may continue it whilst in Germany. I am taking Pharmacy Technician and medical transcription classes. Of course it's not what I wanted to do with my life, but it take up time and keeps me occupied.
This week so far has been full of good news. JB signed for our house yesterday as well as our household goods coming in yesterday along with that and today I picked up our tickets! We leave on September 4th! FINALLY! After a long 3 month wait. However, we are not out of the water yet. I will not refrain from being nervous until I step foot in Germany!
Wish me luck!
photos from the reception:
I have also started school. It's online schooling so that I may continue it whilst in Germany. I am taking Pharmacy Technician and medical transcription classes. Of course it's not what I wanted to do with my life, but it take up time and keeps me occupied.
This week so far has been full of good news. JB signed for our house yesterday as well as our household goods coming in yesterday along with that and today I picked up our tickets! We leave on September 4th! FINALLY! After a long 3 month wait. However, we are not out of the water yet. I will not refrain from being nervous until I step foot in Germany!
Wish me luck!
photos from the reception:
![]() |
our little family |
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he got me on this one |
Friday, June 8, 2012
Playing Catch Up
I have been neglecting you dear followers, how few you are. I appologize. This week has been to most stressful week of my life, I'm sure. My last day of work was last Friday and thank God it was. Monday started bright and early with a trip to Ft. Rucker to take care of some business. Having to get my fancy military ID card and changing over my social and Drivers license as well as enrolling in programs to get us over to Germany and passports ect. Not to mention, emergency surgery on my mouth Wednesday set me back a few hundred dollars and 2 days less of having everything together. However, the meds the doc gave me that made me sleep for 22 hours did me good! So, getting that out of the way, I went on a quick shopping trip and managed to pick up a few goodies for a total of $11! I love amazing sales =)
1. "LOVE" Yoga shorts.
2. TIGI Rock Hard Dry Conditioner
3. Coffee Mug with mirror on it
1. "LOVE" Yoga shorts.
2. TIGI Rock Hard Dry Conditioner
3. Coffee Mug with mirror on it
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Daily Look
Hello Babes!
I came across an uber sweet website this morning while non chalantly surfing the world wide web. It's called Daily Look. Now, I am probably behind on the times and if so, please accept another funny cat video as an apology. =) If I am not behind on the time however, please click here and check out the website! If you're indecisive like me, this website helps you put outfits together and helps you get a little creative with your wordrobe. You can also purchase from this website and the clothes are super affordable and super cute. Alot of the things more suitable to my taste are low stock so get them while you can! I have "borrowed" a few pictures from them just to give you an idea. Don't worry DailyLook, they are cited =) Enjoy Loves!
I came across an uber sweet website this morning while non chalantly surfing the world wide web. It's called Daily Look. Now, I am probably behind on the times and if so, please accept another funny cat video as an apology. =) If I am not behind on the time however, please click here and check out the website! If you're indecisive like me, this website helps you put outfits together and helps you get a little creative with your wordrobe. You can also purchase from this website and the clothes are super affordable and super cute. Alot of the things more suitable to my taste are low stock so get them while you can! I have "borrowed" a few pictures from them just to give you an idea. Don't worry DailyLook, they are cited =) Enjoy Loves!
I obviously like pink.... and lace. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Military Wife.
Finally, I am proud to announce that I hold the honor of being a military wife. This past Memorial Day Weekend was anything but simple and easy. My Friday morning flight was cancelled and after refusing to give any information, I lost my cool. It's a wonder they didn't carry me out in handcuffs. Needless to say, after yelling profusely at 3 different people, 2 on the phone and one poor bystander, I got a direct flight out through Delta. Only setting me back an hour and a half instead of the 6 hours they were trying to give me. After running through the airport through 3 different concourses, I finally made it to my final gate, literally falling at the counter. I knew I shouldn't have worn 6 inch heels but then again I didn't expect US Airways to screw up. The lady at the counter asked me why I was so out of breath and after explaining my story in great detail, she gave me a drink card for the plane ride. I was thankful for that lady. Boarding and landing went smoothly, Thank God. Unexpectedly, as I was getting off the plane, the pilot came over the intercom and said "the wedding is starting without the bride! Oh, and the groom called, he changed his mind!" I don't know what was funnier, the fact that the pilot singled me out or that he actually said JB would change his mind!
After being picked up from the airport, we headed over to the courthouse to get our license. Had to be legal ya know! Soon after, we headed to get lunch and then back to the hotel to get ready to sell our souls to the devil ;). Just kidding. The wedding was beautiful. About 10 of JB's friends came out and we had a little ceremony by the lake. It was simple and perfect.
After the wedding, we all went out to eat and considering I had not slept since 8 am Thursday morning, I was exhausted. So we went back to the hotel and cuddled up and watched some t.v and had some champagne (courtesy the Hilton). The night couldn't have gotten any better.
Saturday morning started off with room service breakfast and watching the sun come up over the mountains. Tucson is surrounded by mountains and it's absolutely beautiful. After breakfast, we got ready to take the 70 mile trip to Tombstone. I have always wanted to go and we finally got the chance! We went to the Boothill Graveyard and checked out all the graves from the O.K Corral shootout and other poor unfortunate souls in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wanted to go to Big Nose Kate's but it was Wyatt Earpp day so it was very busy and we were running out of time!
Saturday night, we made reservations for an authentic Italian restaurant in the Catalina Foothills of Tucson, It was wonderful! After dinner, we headed back to the hotel to enjoy some quality time together before my flight out Sunday. I hated to leave him but I will get to see him again in 3 weeks and I can't wait! I am so ready to be in my husbands arms again!
After being picked up from the airport, we headed over to the courthouse to get our license. Had to be legal ya know! Soon after, we headed to get lunch and then back to the hotel to get ready to sell our souls to the devil ;). Just kidding. The wedding was beautiful. About 10 of JB's friends came out and we had a little ceremony by the lake. It was simple and perfect.
After the wedding, we all went out to eat and considering I had not slept since 8 am Thursday morning, I was exhausted. So we went back to the hotel and cuddled up and watched some t.v and had some champagne (courtesy the Hilton). The night couldn't have gotten any better.
Saturday morning started off with room service breakfast and watching the sun come up over the mountains. Tucson is surrounded by mountains and it's absolutely beautiful. After breakfast, we got ready to take the 70 mile trip to Tombstone. I have always wanted to go and we finally got the chance! We went to the Boothill Graveyard and checked out all the graves from the O.K Corral shootout and other poor unfortunate souls in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wanted to go to Big Nose Kate's but it was Wyatt Earpp day so it was very busy and we were running out of time!
Saturday night, we made reservations for an authentic Italian restaurant in the Catalina Foothills of Tucson, It was wonderful! After dinner, we headed back to the hotel to enjoy some quality time together before my flight out Sunday. I hated to leave him but I will get to see him again in 3 weeks and I can't wait! I am so ready to be in my husbands arms again!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Brush up on my German.
Guten Tag! Good News! JB passed his tests and we are headed to GERMANY! I am so excited! I have never even traveled far outside Alabama until about a year ago and now I am headed over seas! Now to mention.. I am getting married FRIDAY! I have been a nervous wreck for 2 weeks now. Last week I bought his wedding band. You know it's love when you sell your entire living room furniture suit to buy your fiance's wedding band. No, I have nothing to sit on...but he will have a very nice ring on his finger. I finally found a dress (well, two dresses) today. One thing to mark off my list. Since I will be flying to Arizona early Friday morning, (I have to leave my house at midnight EEK!) I am a little unsure about what I can take onto the plane. My dress will definitely be with me on carry on. No way am I taking the chance of my bags getting lost. Once I arrive in Arizona, we will begin our very flustered day of getting flowers and ect. It's not going to be anything extravagant so no princess dress on the plane. I am very nervous. So nervous in fact that I have lost my train of thought... more later! Wish me luck!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Betsey Johnson and Kathy Van Zeeland
Today's Post is going to be on two bags I have that I am selling on eBay. They are absolutely adorable. One is a Betsey Johnson Tote. The other is a Kathy Van Zeeland "Ticket to Ride" Satchel. It even comes with the cutest little key chain. . I am selling them because I have so many purses and totes that these are both going to just sit in my closet anyway. They both still have tags (if that tells you anything) and even has the paper still inside! So, if you're interested, feel free to look up my eBay and buy them! bamatiff2oo6
Betsey Johnson |
Kathy Van Zeeland |
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Eyes of the Day
My usual makeup routine is just that.. the usual. I hardly ever stray from it. Instead of going into great detail about which products I use, I just took a picture and I am adding it on here. I know I have blogged about the Revlon foundation and Maybelline Stiletto liquid eyeliner as well as the Maybelline Colossal mascara and obviously the smashbox products, but I do not think I have blogged about the 'brown' eyeshadow palette shown below. It is actually Bonnebelle and is about $3.95 at drugstores. It is a shimmery pigment but it is not overwhelming. Definitely one of my favorites. I love shimmery shadow. It makes me happy =)
On another note, My eyebrows are overdue for a threading. I loveee getting them threaded. It seems to last longer than waxing but finding the TIME to get them done seems next to impossible. It would be perfect if all of the businesses around here didn't close when the street lights came on. I really should get on top of that... :/
On another note, My eyebrows are overdue for a threading. I loveee getting them threaded. It seems to last longer than waxing but finding the TIME to get them done seems next to impossible. It would be perfect if all of the businesses around here didn't close when the street lights came on. I really should get on top of that... :/
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday Funnies
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Smashbox and Instagram
Hello Loves!
I'm sure you're aware that I am in LOVE with Smashbox products. I haven't found a single one that I haven't enjoyed. Recently, I purchased their Beauty Exposed Kit. It contains eyeshadow, blush, lip gloss, eyeliner, and primer. The best part about shopping Smashbox online is all the free goodies you get. I posted a picture below, which by the way is from my Instagram page because yours truly deleted it from her camera roll. So you can share in the greatness of Smashbox and follow me at the same time! It's a win-win if you ask me!
1. Beauty Exposed Eye Shadow Palette with Soft Lights
2. Free Sample- Camera Ready BB Cream with SPF 35
3. Lip Enhancing Gloss in Starfruit (travel size)
4. Free Sample- Travel size lip gloss
5. Eye Liner in Stone
6. Photo Finish Primer (travel size)
7. Free Bonus Sample- Baked Fusion Soft Lights Highlighter
8. Blush Rush in Peony
9. Free Bonus Sample- Studio Skin Foundation
I have not tried the BB cream yet so I can't really leave any feedback on it yet. Everything else, perfection! I have a very oily T-zone and dry everywhere else so it is difficult for me to find a good foundation that can make my skin look even. The foundation alone is wonderful but since I also have large pores, the primer and foundation together makes my skin look airbrushed and really minimizes my pore problem.
What are some of your favorite Makeup products? I would love to hear from you!
2. Free Sample- Camera Ready BB Cream with SPF 35
3. Lip Enhancing Gloss in Starfruit (travel size)
4. Free Sample- Travel size lip gloss
5. Eye Liner in Stone
6. Photo Finish Primer (travel size)
7. Free Bonus Sample- Baked Fusion Soft Lights Highlighter
8. Blush Rush in Peony
9. Free Bonus Sample- Studio Skin Foundation
I have not tried the BB cream yet so I can't really leave any feedback on it yet. Everything else, perfection! I have a very oily T-zone and dry everywhere else so it is difficult for me to find a good foundation that can make my skin look even. The foundation alone is wonderful but since I also have large pores, the primer and foundation together makes my skin look airbrushed and really minimizes my pore problem.
Here I am wearing the lip gloss in starfruit and some shades from the eyeshadow palette. |
What are some of your favorite Makeup products? I would love to hear from you!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Healthy Breakfast Recipe
Have you ever heard of 'Quinoa' (KEEN-wah)? Well, I hadn't until today. I came across this recipe on Martha Stewarts website. It is sort of like oatmeal and very high in protein. Right under Buckwheat until cooked which then makes it the highest protein grain. If you want to read more about it you can go visit her website here. The recipe below will help you prepare it for a lovely, healthy breakfast. Not to mention it's perfect for breakfast after working out! Enjoy!
- 2 cups whole or low-fat milk, plus more for serving
- 1 cup quinoa, rinsed
- 3 tablespoons light-brown sugar, plus more for serving
- 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus more for serving
- 1 cup (1/2 pint) fresh blueberries, plus more for serving
- Bring milk to a boil in a small saucepan. Add quinoa, and return to a boil. Reduce heat to low, and simmer, covered, until three-quarters of the milk has been absorbed, about 15 minutes.
- Stir in sugar and cinnamon. Cook, covered, until almost all the milk has been absorbed, about 8 minutes. Stir in blueberries, and cook for 30 seconds. Serve with additional milk, sugar, cinnamon, and blueberries.
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courtesy Marthastewart.com |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Flying West
This Memorial Day holiday I will be flying to Arizona AGAIN! I am beyond excited! This time, we're hoping to get "hitched". It seems as though this is our only chance. It certainly won't be anything big, nor will any family be there, but this is about us. We don't need to have a big, lavish wedding ceremony. Growing up, all little girls dream of having a big wedding with a big princess dress and their Prince Charming. In the end, it is just the Prince and his Princess. No more dress, no more extravagant decorations, just them together. That is what our "wedding" will be; just us two, together. Which is how our life will be, well plus the kiddos. Which on another note, we are going to start trying for little JB's once we get settled into our new place overseas. You're probably wondering why I haven't exactly named the place yet, well I have no idea what OPSEC allows nor do I wanna jinx it because it is the military and for anyone who is in the military or married to it, you know how things change last minute. Time will tell =) Anywho, back to the ceremony-ish-thing-whatcha-ma-call-it, I have been praying non-stop that it will work out this time. It was supposed to happen on the last Arizona trip but, of course, something came up with his job and it couldn't happen. So hopefully, since he is off this Memorial Day Holiday, wish us luck!
This Memorial Day holiday I will be flying to Arizona AGAIN! I am beyond excited! This time, we're hoping to get "hitched". It seems as though this is our only chance. It certainly won't be anything big, nor will any family be there, but this is about us. We don't need to have a big, lavish wedding ceremony. Growing up, all little girls dream of having a big wedding with a big princess dress and their Prince Charming. In the end, it is just the Prince and his Princess. No more dress, no more extravagant decorations, just them together. That is what our "wedding" will be; just us two, together. Which is how our life will be, well plus the kiddos. Which on another note, we are going to start trying for little JB's once we get settled into our new place overseas. You're probably wondering why I haven't exactly named the place yet, well I have no idea what OPSEC allows nor do I wanna jinx it because it is the military and for anyone who is in the military or married to it, you know how things change last minute. Time will tell =) Anywho, back to the ceremony-ish-thing-whatcha-ma-call-it, I have been praying non-stop that it will work out this time. It was supposed to happen on the last Arizona trip but, of course, something came up with his job and it couldn't happen. So hopefully, since he is off this Memorial Day Holiday, wish us luck!
The garter I bought months ago can hopefully be put to use! |
Friday, May 4, 2012
Friday Funnies!
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