Monday, October 18, 2010

Accessories, Accessories, ACCESSORIES!!!

Accessories are always important in an outfit. They can take a simple day outfit and turn it into a stunning night outfit. Just add a bulky necklace and some bangles and your good to go. As for earrings, the bigger, the better!!

I was reading an article on Anthropology's new "Accessories- Only" Boutique.  They are strictly dedicated to accessories, obviously. Shoes, belts, old school bracelets and necklaces, etc. I love accessories. I have recently became a fan of floppy hats. Sure, they are for Summer, but who doesn't love relaxing on the beach with a floppy hat?! Anthropology has these new bracelets. I'm not exactly sure if you WOULD call them bracelets. Quite frankly, I'm not exactly sure what to think of them just yet. What do you think?

Maybe if you pair them with a vintage floral dress and a tan straw floppy hat? (seriously, love floppy hats) I don't know. They make me think someone got mad and decided to go Hulk on a teacup and punch the bottom out. I'm really not sure how you can incorporate half of a teacup into something fun and/sophisticated. Let's work on this one together. Can you think of anything else that would make tea time a little more glamorous?

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