New Years came and went. I am trying to stick to my resolution, are you? We had a little "shindig" if you will, here at our house on New Years Day as sort of a NYE party as well as an Alabama game party (ROLL TIDE YA'LL!)
Tonight is the night Tomorrow we are going to see what our boys are really about. I have found over the last few weeks why I have such a hard time keeping up with a blog and it's really because I do not do much that is interesting. I go to the gym everyday. I MAY go out shopping on the weekend but here lately in Virginia with this 10 degree weather, this Alabama native would rather stay in hibernation. Yesterday, we ventured out to TJMAXX. God love that store. I always find something in there that I "can't live without". I saw a meme a while back that said "You don't go to TJMAXX to get what you need, you go to TJMAXX for TJMAXX to tell you what you need." That couldn't me more true. I ended up just getting a couple of things because shopping with two children is close to impossible.
My gorgeous man and I at our NY Day shindig |
My first thing I bought was the charcoal toothpaste. Yes, I jumped on the bandwagon because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. So far, all I see is mess. Have any of you ever tried it? What do you think about it? This was the one I got.
I also grabbed some of this. When i got my hair done for my competition, my stylist used the whole Sugarshine system on my hair and I swear it smells so good. Literally, sugar.
So, of course I am also trying to slowly redecorate my house because when we lived in Germany, as newlyweds, everything was Ikea and now with kids, its all broken Ikea. So I bought this cute pitcher. *I'm currently laughing at myself right now because I realize how silly this sounds* I loved the detail and tried to weight the pros and cons and "do I really need it?" thing and the answer was "yes". I really needed it.
I totally get that it's not the "Rustic Farmhouse" look I am going for, but like I said, I couldn't pass it up.
I currently received a lot in the mail with more makeup products and I will definitely blog those next! But for now, coffee and church. Love you!